Hi, it's Fathur 👋🏻

I design products, write design articles, and having fun in the internet.

Collection of my works
Articles I've written
profile picture of me

Fathurrahman Adiasmi

Creative and dynamic UI/UX Designer with 2 years of experience crafting blockchain-based and metaverse digital products. Enthusiastically collaborate across cross-functional teams to thrive in the innovative realm of emerging Web3 technologies.
July 2022 - Present
Telkom Indonesia — UI/UX Designer
- Primarily accountable for NFT marketplace website design. Additionally, providing UI/UX design assistance in various blockchain-based project, such as blockchain certification.
- Develop design system that consist of style guides and component standards using Figma to maintain consistency across Telkom’s blockchain and metaverse product.
- Collaborated with developers and QA engineers to ensure seamless design implementations.
- Crafted wireframes, mockups, and prototypes using Figma to effectively communicate design concepts and user flows to stakeholders and development teams.
- Transformed product requirements into design concepts in 1-2 sprint(s) long (ranging from 10 days to 1 month), including transferrable NFTs, NFT revenue/royalty distribution, and NFT integration to metaverse.
May 2021 - August 2021
Harian Kompas — UI/UX Designer Intern
- Successfully built an e-learning platform (Kompas Belajar), handed over the design for product development, and delivering the product to the stakeholders
- Make documentation of the Kompas Belajar project as a legacy for future development
February 2021 - July 2021
Cakrawala Bahasa — Web Designer (Freelance)
Building the Cakrawala Bahasa's first-ever website design along with the IT team
November 2020 - February 2021
Debaede — UI Illustrator (Freelance)
Working with Product Manager to provide illustrations for Debaede’s early-stage mobile app
Design Thinking
Creative way of thinking in the problem-solving process. I started the process by discovering the problem and then use it as a "fuel" to design solutions. First, I need to fully understand the problem to be able to fix it, and then I can make a better version of it
UI/UX Design
I believe that good product is not only beautiful but also functional and delightful to use. I design the user flow and wireframe before jumping to prototype. Even an aesthetically-pleasing product needs to be tested before launched. UI/UX Design is about iterating each one step to meet the user's needs
As a complementary to my design skills, I learned the basic functions of HMTL and CSS to understand how website works. This skill gives me understandings of technological feasibility while designing the product